Hospitals and Medical Centres including Dentists need to provide a range of parking options for their patients, staff, and visitors to ensure a good experience. Smart Parking has extensive knowledge and experience in improving parking conditions at various hospitals and medical centres.
Visiting or working at a Hospital or Medical Centre can be extremely stressful, so the last thing members of staff, patients and visitors need is the added pressure that a poorly run car park can bring.
Smart Parking has experience in providing customised and easy-to-manage car park solutions to a range of different hospitals and medical centres.
A common problem at larger sites is the severe underutilisation of certain car parks and overcrowding in other areas. Staff requirements must cater for the different schedules and shifts of doctors, nurses, surgeons, and other hospital staff. Order can also be brought to visitor parking, which comes with its own unique set of requirements.
Smart Parking can deliver a working solution where the configuration of a car park can be made flexible and thus accommodate parking requirements for shift workers, rostered staff, and staff with regular hours.
As well as bringing order to staff car parks, we can configure visitor parking to cater for a range of requirements including limited mobility needs, emergency parking, longer term parking and visitor hours influx, taking the stress out of finding and paying for parking.
For smaller medical centres, we can also offer our camera-based ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) system, and take the headache of managing a car park off your hands entirely.
Facilities Support Assistant | NHS