When parking enforcement is in place it serves to protect precious parking spaces for patrons and team members. More specifically, it offers further protection for designated spaces including those marked for disabled individuals, parents with children, loading activities, and restricted ‘no parking’ areas.
Trying to find a parking space at times can be frustrating, but when selfish motorists use designated bays not intended for them or ‘no parking’ zones, the issue can be significantly worse. Disabled motorists and parents with children may need more space to get in and out of the vehicle, deliveries need to be made, and emergency vehicles absolutely need to get access. Obviously, without enforcement and effective car park management, these issues become even more prominent.
It is often the staff at the venue or business who end up having to deal with upset and cross people who have not got the access they need to the correct parking space. Disabled drivers require robust solutions to ensure they can always park easily. Smart Parking has effective controls in place to prevent parking space abuse. This helps staff and motorists alike.
Regional Manager | Gym Group