During 2024, there was a lot of discussion in the news about the new ‘single’ Code of Practice and how it would protect motorists. This code ensured all private parking operators (i.e., not councils) operate using the same set of rules and regulations. The code aims to ensure it is fair and consistent amongst parking operators when a motorist parks on private land. Some of these include:
The BPA (British Parking Association) and the IPC (International Parking Community) have worked together to construct the new consolidated Code of Practice. The aim is to provide parking operators with ‘one’ set of straightforward rules that will, in their words:
“raise standards and deliver greater transparency and consistency for the benefit of motorists.”
Smart Parking is a member of the BPA and has consistently followed its guidelines for dealing with disputes between motorists and the landowners they work with. We will continue to do so whilst adopting the changes involved with the new Code of Practice.