Your car park is a large part of your success. Offering an extended period of free parking time for genuine customers increases the likelihood of them spending money at the surrounding shops near your facility. As a result, the businesses and tenants nearby benefit from the higher foot traffic. Smart Parking helps you achieve this by carefully managing the ‘parking rules’. These preferred rules are determined by the property owners or managing agents of the car park. They might include a 3-hour free parking period, followed by a fee for longer stays. In this scenario, the local shops benefit from having happy customers who have access to free parking, as well as flexible options available to them if they prefer to stay longer. Additionally, there is a clear revenue stream from the paid parking on site.
We aim to provide convenient parking with many different payment options to offer customers a stress-free experience, which will encourage return visits. By installing ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) cameras at the entrance(s) and exit(s) to the car park, motorists can be monitored to check they have followed the rules set for that car park. Smart Parking install these at little to no cost to the property owner and manages the genuine staff parking via a ‘whitelist’ to ensure proper use.
Creating a flexible parking solution ensures a memorable experience and keeps customers returning time and time again.
Procurement Manager | Group of Large Retail Parks
Smart Parking are pleased to report that we have achieved our long term target of 1,500 ANPR sites under management by December 2024 and re-sets the long term organic target to 3,000 sites.